Healthcare Sustainability Champions

Jason Saleh, MD, FAAOS

Clinical Assistant Professor (Affiliated)
Orthopaedic Surgery

Impact Summarized

Addressing the Environmental Impacts of Orthopaedic Surgery


Orthopaedic procedures account for roughly 25% of the over 17 million invasive procedures performed annually. The Operating Room is the source of up to 30% of a hospital’s total waste and more than 60% of regulated medical waste. The OR is a major energy user as well, driven by lighting and HVAC demands. Orthopaedic surgeries and procedures are thus likely a significant contributor to GHG emissions nationally. Orthopaedic surgery exists in a unique space to take a proactive role in addressing climate change and improving the sustainable use of clinical resources. Dr. Saleh reviews 5 areas specific to the specialty: operating room (OR) waste, carbon emissions from transportation, the carbon footprint of supplies, anesthetic gasses, and water use. Early reductions in the carbon footprint of the Orthopaedic department include identifying patient care episodes that can be successfully executed via telehealth.


Dr. Saleh and his team have established a foundation for future studies to better quantify and decrease this footprint.

Achievements &

Co-Author of “The Environmental Impact of Orthopaedic Surgery” published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery