Healthcare Sustainability Champions

Kowaleski, Alexandria

Alexandria Kowalewski

Interventional Platform Pre/Post


Redistribution of Unused & Clean Surgical Supplies:
Integrating the Nurses’ Voice in the Sustainable Guidelines from the Des
ign & Construction Workgroup

Project Description

Alex plans to engage in the Design and Construction workgroup in order to gain knowledge and instruct fellow nurses, with the ultimate objective of incorporating the nursing perspective into the evaluation of the Sustainable Design principles and guidelines. Alex will give the Shared Leadership Council a report on the top 5 characteristics that a nurse would look for in a patient chair design and offer principles for sustainable building.


Educating Nurses on the components of the Sustainable Design guidelines and offering the Nurse’s perspective.  


Molly Swenson
Sr. Program Manager; Planning, Design & Construction
Stanford Medicine

Kara Sykora
Director; Design Management
Stanford Medicine

Sharmila Singh, MBA
Sustainability Consultant
Standford Healthcare

Achievements &

Master’s Degree in Health Policy from UCSF

Member of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) Collaborative Strategic Work

Group with a mission to promote nursing impact on actions focused on improving workplace environments and frontline care

Leading the discussion of how nurses can decrease waste within the perioperative setting

Member of the Sustainable Design and Construction at Stanford Healthcare